
If you are playing golf on the Montrose Links you are very welcome to use the ROYAL MONTROSE MERCANTILE clubhouse as your base. You can obtain access information from the Montrose Golf Links Pro Shop, or from the Club Bar on 01674- 672376.


Our Club Bar is open every day and Barista Coffee is available in the Bar or Lounge from 10 am through closing time during the Summer months. (See full Bar and Catering hours below).

New Bar Drinks from 22-3-2024

Catering is available from Tuesday to Sunday.

Changing and Toilet facilities are available from 7.00 am until Bar closing time.

Early morning visitors can get a cup of Quality Bean to Cup Coffee from our Vending Machine whenever the Club is open.


The Bar will remain open, within the approved licensing hours, whenever there is a Club Social event, approved member Party or home Pool match taking place.

Bar staff will also be required to keep the club open within the normal club licensing hours if there are sufficient members in the bar buying drinks at the advertised close of business time.

Bar staff will lock up the club approximately 30 minutes after the actual closing time.



Our Dining Room welcomes members, their guests, and visitors with very comprehensive menus for Breakfast, Lunch, Tea or Dinner. See Club Catering page for Menu details

Please note the club will be closed on Christmas Day and New Year’s Day